How to Set System Restore in XP

Setting System Restore should be practiced before making any changes in your computer specially if you're dealing with the registry. What is needed in System Restore is the a little space of your hard drive (which by the way you can adjust the size by going to system properties, then to the System Restore Tab) and choosing a Restoration Point. So, here it is done.

1. Go to "Run" and type : %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe

2. The restore dialogue box appears and it will ask you what task will you perform. You should choose "Create Restoration Point".

3. Then you are asked to write a restoration name. You can just write anything like "Before changing the registry" or something like that. Then click the button "Create". Wait for a minute or so then you're done!

4. So if ever you made something like editing the registry or installing a game or other software and made your system to crash, then you can just revert by rolling back the action using System Restore. To do so, open System Restore ( Go to "Run", type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe) and as the System Restore dialog box appears choose "Restore my computer at an earlier time". Just follow the instructions then.

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